An Outsider's view on the amazing BLOG!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Pardon me .... i suffer from stage fright??

well its quite hard to explain why an anti-blogger like myself decided to give the entire process of sharing with the world what i consider most precious.... my own words,a shot. I could blame it on the engulfing process of modernization...this being my bleak attempt at catching up with the techno- savvy or I could just blame it on plain curiosity in the hope of not being compared to a cat on deathrow. For whatever reason i began.... i hope i find it within me to continue posting blogs just so that i can prove to myself and people who know me that the word "consistent" is very much a part of my dictionary! Having established my introduction to the cyber world { i thank all those who have gotten to this part of the post especially since i didnt begin with "Hi! My name is Cindy! I'm 5' 10" , blonde and extremely clueless as to how to use my computer! Could you guys help me by calling on 555 7860}, i now feel comfortable enough to open up to fellow bloggers. My name is not Cindy, i'm just above 5 feet and i do admit i need help with the computer from time to time! so stop calling 555 7860.... be patient and although i may not be Miss Regular.. i'll try my best to continue posting! Bye for now!

p. s Hurrah! i just got through the most nerve racking exercise my fingers have been through in a while.... i'm no longer a blog- virgin! oh! and my apologies to the owner of the phone number 555 7860....! please dont press charges!


At 1:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

like i said before, i wanna write like you!!!! i probably should open a blog for friends and family(again), but that means blogging often, without having anything to say!! lol. but anyways, love ya!!


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