An Outsider's view on the amazing BLOG!

Sunday, October 09, 2005

What Cramming can do to 19 year old brains!

just got done with my first examination of this semester and judging by the bruises on my knees , i can tell, i'll only manage to scrape through this year! economics.... a subject that in my view needs to be completly revised and modernized to actually apply to this century!! i mean if i wanted to study ancient ideologies i would have applied for history...

NOTE:i am willing to ignore external , non significant factors that cause such hatred like me waking up ten hours before the paper was handed to me to chug down insane amounts of dry, inefficient , obsolete plans and measures.
I still hate having to succomb to instituionalized practices like examinations... in fact at the rate at which outdated and non successful indian practices are being printed in text books these days , i really hope that i live to see the day the entire concept of testing intelligence levels through written test appears in BIG BOLD LETTERS! Oh! and i hope that unlike the causes, effects and remedial measures that are found only in print and not in society{where it belongs by the way}, the termination of examinations will be no myth!


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