An Outsider's view on the amazing BLOG!

Friday, October 21, 2005

Bombay...Kolatkar and Mistri love it!!

just shut a horrifying chapter in my exam that i wasnt mentally prepared for and physically weak to take on! i wonder what i ever saw in this "new, exciting" life that is promised in Mumbai....? I miss home and with each passing second that i see fly by here, i regret having watched homogeneous Time race by at home! I guess this is the nostalgia talking or it could be the disillusionment of actually living through the nerve racking experience of examinations.
{ refer to previous blog for insights on loathing examinations}

i can only imagine what stroke-potential thoughts will emerge in my parents minds after they take a look at this... i offer no excuses ... i slacked off and i hope my concealer works when the spotlight's on ME! No need to bust veins or dash hopes my lovely parents .... i'm too egoistic to drop out of college and i join the club of mumbaikars in availing of the innumerable opportunities that emerge out of thick, polluted air! Inspite of all the character this city gleans , the little stories that collectively form an anthology of " I HEART MUMBAI" .... a novel conceived from no conscious thought or action.... just a series of mental images that are plastered in your mind as you stride across the suicide friendly streets,as you notice the families not just existing but living in the piss stained subways or the attractive face in the crowd that morphs into a threat the minute they reciprocate. Mumbai is where its at ...Not New york or London.... our very own culture blender.. gradually escaping into the saline sprite.. anticipating liberation from the Motherland .... I guess the apple is dying to fall miles away from the tree?

Inspite of the spell this city has weaved on me... I want to go home! Closer to the place my heart was broken and ment... the place where i can never fall asleep for fear of missing out on my parents snoring {its ok!! we all know you guys snore} or MY crazy boys,their unpredictable ways....the place where i met my first girlfriends who are still by my side ... let's hear it for the Girls!...cant wait till November...can't wait till i can start a new a chapter.
24 hours will never feel longer..24 hours till i'm on my way back to collect my heart.


At 1:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

this one exam has ruined everything for you hasnt it? don't worry Paul Walker (&Jessica Alba) are just around the corner. cheer up. always gonna be here for ya!! again, i luv the way you write. teach me. PLEASE!!!

At 1:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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