An Outsider's view on the amazing BLOG!

Monday, November 07, 2005

Love takes time ..and a whole bunch of film reel.

These holidays I've seen more romantic flicks than my mind can take.I for one never really believed in the exaggerated notions that these films feed into the minds and more importantly the hearts of the audience. Its irresponsible according to me to show how omni present love-at-first sight is, how normal it is to run and re-run into you "perfect guy" and how the whole world including inanimate elements like Fate and Chance work towards bringing to souls together.Action movies invlove hazardous stunt sequences and are always preceeded by pre-cautionary warnings like the cliche'- "do not try this at home!!" ,but I've never seen a romantic movie containing the words -" this tale is comlpetely fabricated by some fantasy crazy maniac who longs for some excitement in his /her dormant love life!!" or better yet " Do not expect your knight in shining armour to waltz into your life with mannerisms that are closely associated with the fictional junk found in motion pictures' partner in crime -- romance novels. " Yeah! you heard me right Jackie Collins.
i'm not crazy or love thirsty enough to lap up the bull that exists out there and i completely understand the need of my highly intellectual friends to indulge in such illusions as a mere method of doing something with their spare time as opposed to nothing ,but for the rest of the female { and maybe even the" metrosexual" or homosexual } population ... Please snap out of it!
I find myself, like them actually relying occassionally on such stories, however they may be represented , as a yard stick to compare reality and imagination. Don't get me wrong, I for one am a complete movie addict and often find myself losing focus of the fragile, thin line that divides the two .... That's why i think its imperative to voice this particular opinion of mine as hypocritical as it may sound.
Being single and open to love , I automatically am placed with the avid followers of "Sex and city" and "Desperate Houswives" .I love these sitcoms but I hope that they don't define who I am as a person.i realize i'm beginning to try to achieve too much but saying too little, but what I'm really trying to say is that is it safe for potential daters like me to be followers of { which is analogous with being influenced marginally or obsessively by it} such sitcoms, movies and books.For instance I don't want to have be judged just because I happened to mention that I love Carrie , Sam and Charlotte but I think I'm more of a Miranda and then be subjected to pity stares and be recommended to various local psychiatrists.
Romantic Comedies...A woman's best friend or arc- rival? That's the question I'm dying to find an answer to . Who knows maybe I'm onto something here...with proper research and surveys I might actually crack the mystery of the feminine dependancy on sappy love stories .


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