An Outsider's view on the amazing BLOG!

Friday, April 07, 2006

It pays to listen..... Lend me what your vocal chords create!

An intellectually stimulating friend of mine{ who is better known to those of that read this blog as General Disarray in my comment space}, jump started something within that i presumed had died a couple of years ago.... the possibility to fall in love with someone outside my family tree. I was impregnated by a loathing for most men i encountered and like most causes i support, had no proper backing for save the painful experiences that revolved around certain men i allowed into my life.
In time i have healed like everybody else, and although i have found ways to forgive not only the men but myself as well... i doubt the memory will escape me anytime soon. I presume it was precisely this haunting recollection that formed the epicentre for the love-bashing previous posts. I admit i allowed myself to be overwhelmed by a feeling of incomprehension guised as contempt but i will not delete that chapter purely because it serves as a snapshot of sorts portraying a personal outlook to certain elements in life at a certain point of time.
Therefore this serves as a reminder to those bewildered by my bizarre opinions about love and men. I direct those words at those who presume that love is an imperative occurrance and take it for granted. I dedicate it to those who taint an abstract, affirmative emotion. I dedicate to certain categories of men and women who take advantage of the innocence that love could ignite.I dedicate this to the time i lost thinking the fault was mine alone.
General tell me if this clears the fog??


At 8:12 AM, Blogger General Disarray said...

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At 8:13 AM, Blogger General Disarray said...

Well, for one thing, remove my name from there! I don't want people to know who I am!
And it doesn't quite clear the fog; you have always bewildered me like all women I know well enough have. It's something I, too, have come to accept :) I do appreciate you making the effort to clear it up, though. (And for calling me "intellectually stimulating" - that's a one-of-a-kind compliment for sure!)


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