An Outsider's view on the amazing BLOG!

Sunday, April 02, 2006

MBA....My Bashed Ambitions!

I enter the room and carefully pick my seat in the empty classroom enclosed by four walls with its paint peeling off. If i sit right in front i might exude overly enthusiastic vibes that could be mistaken for a will to participate, but if i sit right at the back,it might result in an erroneous presumption that i wish to challenge the tutor in everyway. Second bench seems about right!!
Within the next two hours i quietly endured what seemed to be days of torture.... i was propelled into eleventh grade again, where i couldn't comprehend the thick Telugu-laced accent that bombarded me with numbers and singular alphabets like x and y. As they were placed in a multitude of visually varying but equally disorienting sequences, i wished i could run out of the room, screaming bloody murder. But that would be too rude to the rest of the class{ or the mind numbingly juevenille bunch as i fondly refer to them.}, who were sinfully devouring each word the teacher{ who weirdly enough knows his material and yet can't get a better job than drilling aspiring MBA'S and me... Inspiring huh??} emits.
I enjoyed the mental jog i had although i wished it followed a more flexible evening schedule as opposed to the crack of dawn work out. I see the potential these classes could have... if only i could keep up with Einstein's offspring in my class... I keep telling my father{ whose brilliant idea this was.... I must be a terrible daughter!!} that he need not pay seven thousand bucks to see me humiliated and my ego obliterated. So here i am... recuperating from an extremely demeaning experience and praying for a miracle... that i survive the next 50 sessions!!
The only thing i can be grateful for is the fact that i'm suffering from a terrible eye infection which in turn has forced me to part with my contact lenses and place my oversized glasses over my nose. This serves as the perfect camouflage in the classroom filled with know-it-all-except-acting-my-aged people! Maybe i should pull my pants upto my chin, gel my hair back and throw in a "May i come in sir" with my arm stuck out into the empty space before me... then i'll definately be onto something!


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