An Outsider's view on the amazing BLOG!

Thursday, December 29, 2005

New beginning...or the perfect end!?

2006... i'm apprehensive just thinking about the possibilities that lie ahead. 2005 has been so kind to me, it catered to my every need, slowly unravelling a confirmed love for dormant hobbies like travelling, art and food. I've made friends and mistakes that i can only learn from. I now seen the light that i've been avoiding for as long as i can remember... and its worth squiting to look at!
Certain "A'list" priorities of mine have been replaced by elements worth fighting for like empowering my own mind and body rather than search for someone with the perfect mind and body. Men, i realized, are not worth the inevitable heartache we are all prone too. Therefore, i say, give as few men as you possibly can ,the privilidge of having that hold on your heart.
Dreams are meant to be chased. A gradual process that culminates into a Lifetime of Contentment if pursued till the very end. Its like deep sea diving! You hold your breathe and focus on that one spot hidden in the abyssmal depths of the ocean and slowly lunge towards it. You get there but you're not out of danger yet... turn back and at a speed even slower than the descent, make for the top. There maybe time when you won't be able to breathe so you let the water do all the work and before you know it you've broken the final film of saline water and come out with your head held high! Dreams like the ocean contain pearls that you look long and hard for and treasure when you find them.
Friends, unlike the t.v show may not last forever. You may never have tangible memories to cherish. A wonderful bond may be severed by something as abstract as jealousy or hatred or more a measurable entity like geographic distance. Whatever the final outcome, Friends are worth having in the present. I've learnt so much from my friends this year... it would be hard for me to limit my newfound knowledge with words. Everbody has friends so you know what i'm getting at.
well 2005 in a nut shell is irreplacable and ironically over just as i was beginning to find myself smiling in my search for Happiness!
here's to the year gone by!


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