An Outsider's view on the amazing BLOG!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Priority Numero uno!

so i've come to the end of my holiday... my paradise will be lost in a week and I will have to come crashing down to cold, harsh ,independant reality. Judging by what is required out of adults in today's multi tasking world, the scariest thing for me to execute is growth. Financial management and planning , parenthood, childhood and dozens of tasks that i fail to comprehend or recognize for that do they do it??
I always thought parenthood was easy once the child was able to understand what was being told to him/her but if i were to make the same statement based on the chaos that prevails in my mind i would be quick to alter the statement. They say life gets easier as one makes his/her place in the world but it doesnt ...not with the responsibilities that are waiting for you to proclaim you're an adult and are responsible enough to carry the onus of daily , recurring problems on your back.
This vacation i got a snap shot of what lies ahead for me... what needs to be done by me for my parents. Someone told me that the entire concept of repayment was silly and bizzare but i think an attempt towards it never hurt anyone... The truth behind my promise to give back to my parents an iota of what they have given to me lies in my belief that although the thought of complete and entire payback is a mission even Ethan Hunt would think about before embarkation, a daughter's duty to her parents must be fulfiled.
I'm a good girl...and that's probably the only thing i can say without thinking twice about or feeling pangs of guilt shooting down my spine. I'm no prodigy ... I'm just a kid ... selfish and sacrificial at the same time,confused and focused as ever ,striving to survive this dual existance without coming off as a hypocrite... realizing more than reminding myself that I am the daughter of two great parents who fight daily to give me a great life...a life of perfection and contentment. And the fact that I have two people who will do anything for me makes me stop and wonder why I think finding "that" special person who would do anything for my love is a priority at all.
I take this fact with me to Bombay, to wherever I take life!


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