An Outsider's view on the amazing BLOG!

Saturday, December 31, 2005

One step too far!

This wasn't planned at all... i thought i would end the year with that super saccharine, optimistic retrospection of random endearing factors that made 2005 different from 2004! This post goes out to all the women who think men and validation from the opposite sex are essential to combat their induvidual existential angsts. This is purely an observational recording that might not apply to everybody ....
Women... are prone to falling for flattery, jewellery, compliments when least expected, flowers, creativity and originality and ATTENTION from anybody!! In fact most women who are ready to fall in love have these mental scorecards which could closely resemble this
1. Smile ----- 7/10
2. Attire----
3. Voice---- 9/10
4. Intellect---8/10
5. My freinds would rate him---- 9/10

That would be a tentative listing of elements that compare the guy under dissection and the pre-thought out "perfect guy". All women know the chances of ever meeting and actually hitting it off with this guy are slim but nevertheless...women don't settle for sub-standards... unless of course they realize on some shitty wednesday afternoon that the guy they thought was cute but not right for them is actually perfect for them!! The search for a great guy is never-ending of course if it ends with marriage then its finite but in today's contemporaneous world where the options seamless and the flavour of the day is passive effort, then why in the world can't women expect a home delivery without having t do anything except dial a phone number???? Satisfaction guarenteed'??
I have noticed how at the age of 19/20, women are more prone to actually go window shopping but are too afraid of overspending so they walk onto to the next shop hoping for a better deal.In fact, all my girlfriends are attractive, smart ,funny , rational women{ what can i say i pick the best!}. The funny thing is here we are waiting to run into that one guy who blows our minds... we're not settling!! In the mean time, we live to have ourselves knowing that its not a taboo to be single and picky.The era of the experimentalists has passed...we are now in the age of Instinctive Approval!And if the guy happens to be someone straight out of the movies and is willing to serenade, wine and dine, buy us expensive goodies, owns three cars, speaks five languages, won the model of the year award five years in a row and adores us completely and unconditionally...we won't really have any qualms with that!
The problem arises when some women get a tad too hopeful to run into the man of their dreams and put a timeline to the search...In simple words.. desperation and not fatty foods is a woman's worst enemy...and when you blend the two have a recipe for disaster.I have seen women throw everything that one could consider good and comforting out the window pretending to clean out their closet...Some weird kind of sacrificial act that may or maynot bring them luck.I say stick to four-leaved clovers and horseshoes. Women don't need to get lucky with men, they need to get smarter regarding their choices.A friend once told me that the women are the one's who must be pursued and i agree whole heartedly. I mean men have the easy life already...they don't adhere to traffic rules or curfews, no monthly cramps, weight problems, ...why give them the pleasure of being in demand!!?? How can one semi-potential guy outscore all that is familiar and reliable? Women can be temporarly blinded by the notion of love that floats about out there... We see it in the movies, hear it in popular music, read it in can you not expect us to not expect out of our own little love stories?
I began writing this in order to decipher women's infatuation with undeserving men...i think i've ended on a completely different tangent.Patience is the key... i'd hate to say that everbody will eventually ned up aside the long-awaited guy..because how in the world could i explain spinsters and divorce... but i can undoubtedly say that the one who waits and perseveres with a rational mind will be rewarded.I guess i just tore up my own hope of having found a guy that i could picture being happy with..well ... its worth the realization that life is comprised of so much more than men!!
oh yes..its ladies night and the feeling's right!

Shout out to all the girls who think they were not worth the men the chose ...its always the other way around for you girls...Never give too many men the privilidge of holding your heart in their hands...stay stubborn and smart!

Thursday, December 29, 2005

New beginning...or the perfect end!?

2006... i'm apprehensive just thinking about the possibilities that lie ahead. 2005 has been so kind to me, it catered to my every need, slowly unravelling a confirmed love for dormant hobbies like travelling, art and food. I've made friends and mistakes that i can only learn from. I now seen the light that i've been avoiding for as long as i can remember... and its worth squiting to look at!
Certain "A'list" priorities of mine have been replaced by elements worth fighting for like empowering my own mind and body rather than search for someone with the perfect mind and body. Men, i realized, are not worth the inevitable heartache we are all prone too. Therefore, i say, give as few men as you possibly can ,the privilidge of having that hold on your heart.
Dreams are meant to be chased. A gradual process that culminates into a Lifetime of Contentment if pursued till the very end. Its like deep sea diving! You hold your breathe and focus on that one spot hidden in the abyssmal depths of the ocean and slowly lunge towards it. You get there but you're not out of danger yet... turn back and at a speed even slower than the descent, make for the top. There maybe time when you won't be able to breathe so you let the water do all the work and before you know it you've broken the final film of saline water and come out with your head held high! Dreams like the ocean contain pearls that you look long and hard for and treasure when you find them.
Friends, unlike the t.v show may not last forever. You may never have tangible memories to cherish. A wonderful bond may be severed by something as abstract as jealousy or hatred or more a measurable entity like geographic distance. Whatever the final outcome, Friends are worth having in the present. I've learnt so much from my friends this year... it would be hard for me to limit my newfound knowledge with words. Everbody has friends so you know what i'm getting at.
well 2005 in a nut shell is irreplacable and ironically over just as i was beginning to find myself smiling in my search for Happiness!
here's to the year gone by!

Friday, December 09, 2005

Writer's it that obvious?

well i do realize it has been a while since i have given my loyal fans {hey mum and dad} to feed on but i had no expectations of this month being eventful.... the complete opposite of what it generally is.
I guess Julie Andrews knew what she was talking about but i'll start from the very place i left off rather than the beginning. Megan's wedding that I attended about two and a half weeks ago was a smashing success. All the elements of a phenomenal trip home were present... the reunion, the f and b...more b than f for some... the excitement and the new beginning. I loved it... but by no means must that be interpreted as an aching hurry to get hitched... so lay off the mean jokes ma!

College is pregnant with activity this month and as Christmas draws nearer, so do deadlines, bank balances and patience..I'm busting my butt off here to acquire a good grade in my english honors prgramme and to add fuel to the fire i'm simultaneously involved in choir, other college projects and basketball. I know that doesnt sound like a lot but i'm used to dealing with the above , induvidually as the year progresses ....when they collide, there is chaos and a loss of hair.
well i need to be getting back to college to finish up on some reading but here's my attempt at a re-connection...and a prayer that my blog will still be functional in the future..after all we are encroaching on the age of the BLOG... literature my friends.. will rely heavily on this medium in the near future. hopefully i'll publish a few more posts before that day arrives.