An Outsider's view on the amazing BLOG!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Nothing Lasts Forever!

I must have hit the snooze button a record breaking four times this morning! I'm not one to engage in battle with the alarm clock usually,especially since its greatest allied force is my mother! Perhaps it was something about the way the sun rose today, tilted slightly to the right, flickering red...then orange...then crimson...unable to take a stance and in the process, become the envy of every ambitious cocktail maker.

Perhaps..... no! It can't be...or can it???

Of course I did not realize that philosophical proverbs came with Catch 22's embedded in them and the saying "The more, the merrier" the more I hit that button, the later I got for college. And if you knew Professor Upenderan, you knew that "later.. is not the least bit merrier!" The smell of fried eggs and sausages distracted me, stirring my senses, shaking off the morning lull. Its been a while since my nose woke up before me considering how busy the Verghese clan is at 7:00 a.m but today was different. Mom was home from school and when she has free time, she cooks..or defrosts and beats at least!

Perhaps.... no! No way...

I my favourite cotton T-shirt from the cupboard, spray on some Raspberry body fragrance and was probably temporarily blinded by the mist cause I put my T-shirt on backwards. Mom said it meant good luck...but honestly can you imagine walking around with outfits worn inside out, or backwards and god forbid ...sideways! Since when is reversing the natural order of things good??? Michel Foucault would be content see the possibility of change but I certainly am a fan of Stability! Good luck...that's redundant!

But maybe there's a slight possibility...Shake it off!! Move on!!

I run down to the car, jump into the front seat and just as I'm about to let out my usual string of watered down curses at the Mr. Inconsiderate, who loves playing bumper cars everytime he parks in the next slot, I see no new additon to the painful collection scars on the once flawless blue bumper! I wonder if that complaint to the RTA finally went through and they came around to verify his driving skills!

I guess there must have been something that rang true with that fashion faux pas superstition. This has turned out to be a morning of no complaints, a beginning that is actually bright, a rise with no fall....Maybe good days do exist. The pessimistic myth has been shattered... I can hope for better tomorrows, sun shiny starts...I'm a believer!

Exactly eight minutes and 32 seconds after that epiphanic revelation, a speeding scooterist crashed into the front of the car, smashing both the headlight and my hopes of making it to class within the "frowned upon" one minute grace period. It's highly ironic that Bono was singing "Beautiful Day" on the radio!


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