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Saturday, February 03, 2007

Happy New Year!

Ok so i'm a month late but what the hell...
2007 brings opportunity and tonnes of it... but then again choosing one door means you have to close one behind... I hate having to bolt the door on my college life..
Three years ago i joint an institution that i had my heart and soul on for years. The fulfilment of that very dream has proven to making a dozen other personal desires come true.. where else would i have fallen in love not just with a great guy but with the notion of being free to dream and then being given a platform to crystallize such fantasies.
Ive met someone of the closest friends ive had in years, ive done some of the craziest stuff with them, i've learnt to work, actually work for something.. Ive been part of a musical extravaganza , a mammoth accomplishment for both me and the college, ive become a woman! Why must i trade this liberal and cushioned existence for anything else??
I am aware of the fact that the ADULT world contains responsibility that actually means something beyond grades and credits and that real freedom actually has its drawbacks, restraints i'll take a while to adjust to.. but my emotional side can't handle change so fast. Given a choice between a new start and an extention on my life in the bubble,ill pick the later because for once in my life i dont want to start over, presuming i have screwed up beyond repair and the only way to live with myself is to escape...I LOVE MY LIFE!! i dont want to trade it for anything... selfish and highly imaginative i know but that doesnt stop anything... GROWING UP IS HORRIBLE SOMETIMES...ive never hated travelling before but this time i'm not interested in the journey we call life because it involves moving on.


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