An Outsider's view on the amazing BLOG!

Monday, October 24, 2005

The cure to Nostalgia....GO HOME!!

I'm back in HYD and the sense of belonging is overwhelming! In retrospect Bombay isnt all that bad but it sure as hell isnt home...Once in my distant memory it served the purpose of sheltering The Verghese family and yeilding them an income, but 10 years later and none of them can imagine permanently residing in the Capital of Chaos!
Home coming{ not in sense of the word that is accompanied by fancy dances,spiked punch and a reigning king and queen} is satisfaction galore.Catching up on the mundane issues that the real life prevented you from indulging in , late nights which lead to mornings that strech into the afternoons and hanging out with friends....far away from the seriousess of life.... .that's what homecoming is all about! The dirt and pollution of mumbai lies far away .... 3 weeks away at least! Now I wonder what the hell I'm doing here online, in this digital realm as opposed to soaking up all the luxuries that complement a VACATION! ciao ....

now where did that margherita go and who stole my face pack???

Friday, October 21, 2005

Bombay...Kolatkar and Mistri love it!!

just shut a horrifying chapter in my exam that i wasnt mentally prepared for and physically weak to take on! i wonder what i ever saw in this "new, exciting" life that is promised in Mumbai....? I miss home and with each passing second that i see fly by here, i regret having watched homogeneous Time race by at home! I guess this is the nostalgia talking or it could be the disillusionment of actually living through the nerve racking experience of examinations.
{ refer to previous blog for insights on loathing examinations}

i can only imagine what stroke-potential thoughts will emerge in my parents minds after they take a look at this... i offer no excuses ... i slacked off and i hope my concealer works when the spotlight's on ME! No need to bust veins or dash hopes my lovely parents .... i'm too egoistic to drop out of college and i join the club of mumbaikars in availing of the innumerable opportunities that emerge out of thick, polluted air! Inspite of all the character this city gleans , the little stories that collectively form an anthology of " I HEART MUMBAI" .... a novel conceived from no conscious thought or action.... just a series of mental images that are plastered in your mind as you stride across the suicide friendly streets,as you notice the families not just existing but living in the piss stained subways or the attractive face in the crowd that morphs into a threat the minute they reciprocate. Mumbai is where its at ...Not New york or London.... our very own culture blender.. gradually escaping into the saline sprite.. anticipating liberation from the Motherland .... I guess the apple is dying to fall miles away from the tree?

Inspite of the spell this city has weaved on me... I want to go home! Closer to the place my heart was broken and ment... the place where i can never fall asleep for fear of missing out on my parents snoring {its ok!! we all know you guys snore} or MY crazy boys,their unpredictable ways....the place where i met my first girlfriends who are still by my side ... let's hear it for the Girls!...cant wait till November...can't wait till i can start a new a chapter.
24 hours will never feel longer..24 hours till i'm on my way back to collect my heart.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

What Cramming can do to 19 year old brains!

just got done with my first examination of this semester and judging by the bruises on my knees , i can tell, i'll only manage to scrape through this year! economics.... a subject that in my view needs to be completly revised and modernized to actually apply to this century!! i mean if i wanted to study ancient ideologies i would have applied for history...

NOTE:i am willing to ignore external , non significant factors that cause such hatred like me waking up ten hours before the paper was handed to me to chug down insane amounts of dry, inefficient , obsolete plans and measures.
I still hate having to succomb to instituionalized practices like examinations... in fact at the rate at which outdated and non successful indian practices are being printed in text books these days , i really hope that i live to see the day the entire concept of testing intelligence levels through written test appears in BIG BOLD LETTERS! Oh! and i hope that unlike the causes, effects and remedial measures that are found only in print and not in society{where it belongs by the way}, the termination of examinations will be no myth!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Pardon me .... i suffer from stage fright??

well its quite hard to explain why an anti-blogger like myself decided to give the entire process of sharing with the world what i consider most precious.... my own words,a shot. I could blame it on the engulfing process of modernization...this being my bleak attempt at catching up with the techno- savvy or I could just blame it on plain curiosity in the hope of not being compared to a cat on deathrow. For whatever reason i began.... i hope i find it within me to continue posting blogs just so that i can prove to myself and people who know me that the word "consistent" is very much a part of my dictionary! Having established my introduction to the cyber world { i thank all those who have gotten to this part of the post especially since i didnt begin with "Hi! My name is Cindy! I'm 5' 10" , blonde and extremely clueless as to how to use my computer! Could you guys help me by calling on 555 7860}, i now feel comfortable enough to open up to fellow bloggers. My name is not Cindy, i'm just above 5 feet and i do admit i need help with the computer from time to time! so stop calling 555 7860.... be patient and although i may not be Miss Regular.. i'll try my best to continue posting! Bye for now!

p. s Hurrah! i just got through the most nerve racking exercise my fingers have been through in a while.... i'm no longer a blog- virgin! oh! and my apologies to the owner of the phone number 555 7860....! please dont press charges!